Drug and Alcohol Testing Drug and Alcohol Chain of Custody Chain of Custody Collection Date Location Name of Donor * Name of Donor First First Last Last Email Donor's email address if they want a summary of this report Donor Details Test Notification NotifiedNot Notified I was notified that a Drug & Alcohol Test would be performed by TAPS Donor's Consent * Clear As the Donor I consent to proceeding with testing for alcohol and drugs. By my signature I certify that the specimens will be my own and I consent to the release of my test results. Employment Type Work Observation / TrialApprenticeTraineeEmployee Reason for Test Pre-employmentPost IncidentFor-CauseRandomRetest (secondary / confirmation)BlanketOther Other Reason for Test Donor's Date of Birth Donors Gender MaleFemaleOther ID Verified By Site IDDrivers LicenceResponsible ManagerKnown to TesterPassportProof of Age CardOther ID Verified By If other, include the name of manager verifying the donor's ID, or the type of ID documentation presented Manager's Name Enter the name of the responsible manager who is verifying the ID ID Number ID Number or License Number Recent Activity Alcohol Consumed YesNo In the last 48 hours have you consumed alcohol? Alcohol Details Provide details e.g. type, quantity and timing of consumption Prescription Medication NoYes In the last 14 days have you taken any prescription medication (doctor prescribed not over-the-counter) Prescribed Medication Name What is the name OR purpose of the medication Illicit Drugs NoYes In the last 14 days have you taken any illicit drugs (illegal substances) Illicit Substance AmphetamineMethamphetamineCocaineMarijuanaOxycodoneBezodiazepinesOther (provide details) Other Illicit Substance When When was the illicit substance consumed? In the last 10 minutes NoYes (provide details) In the last 10 minutes have you consumed any: alcohol-based products (e.g. mouth wash), chewing gum, food or water? Details of items consumed in last 10 minutes Past Convictions NoYes (provide details) Have you had a conviction or been charged with any offense associated with drugs or alcohol? Conviction Details Drug (Initial) Test Details Collection Method Oral Fluid / ToxwipeUrineHairBloodOther Collection Method Alternate Method Collection Details If the test is conducted outside of TAPS, details are required to be entered manually. Oral Fluid / Toxwipe Device Name ToxWipe Oral 7MedVet Oral 7Other Oral Fluid / Toxwipe Device Name Lot Number: Expiry Date Collection Time (24hr) 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 : 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 Drug Inital Test Result NegativeUnconfirmed Non NegativeConfirmed Positive Which drugs require further testing Methamphetamine (50 ng/ml)Cocaine (20 ng/ml)Delta-9 THC (cutoff 12 ng/ml)Opiates (cutoff 40 ng/ml)Benzodiazephines (50 ng/ml)Amphetamine (50 ng/ml)OxycodeineOther Site Manager Informed Enter name of the site manager informed of a positive or unconfirmed non-negative drug test result Alcohol (Inital) Test Details Device Used AlcoQuant 6020 PlusOther Device Used Device Serial Number Initial Test Reading than 0.05 g/210L exhaled breath Time of Reading (24hr) 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 : 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 Alcohol Initial Test Result NegativeUnconfirmed Non NegativeConfirmed Positive Confirmation Test Reading than 0.05 Negative Unconfirmed Non Negative Confirmed Positive Time of Confirmation Reading (24hr) 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 : 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 Alcohol Confirmation Test Result NegativeUnconfirmed Non NegativeConfirmed Positive Collector's Declaration VQF Assessed and Certified Assessed & CertifiedNot Assessessed & Certified Sample(s) collected/tested in accordance with: AS 4760:2006 (Oral Fluid Drug Testing) AS 3547:1997 (Breath Alcohol Testing) AS/NZS 4308:2008 (Urine Drug Testing) Declaration I certify that I witnessed the donor's signature and that the specimen(s) identified on this form have been provided to me by the donor whose consent appears above, bears the correct identification. Collector's Name and Certification Number Graeme Webster (Certificate #4924589-3522442)Richie Welch (Certificate #12256304-7925716)Joe Scopacasa (Certificate #5581190-3703264)Nikkia Westhoff (Certificate #11403222-7512339)Other Collector's Name and Certification Number Collector's Signature Clear Collector's Final Observations Do not verbally ask this question - Are there any other issues, concerns or comments about this test that have not been captured above? Record these here. Are samples to be sent to the laboratory for analysis? YesNo Additional laboratory testing information If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit